Halloween Costumes: Trend Watch

#1 Halloween costumes, 2013 - 2017 (2)

Every year, Halloween gives adults and children alike an opportunity to unleash their creativity, have fun, and delight in all things spooky, creepy and frightening.

I have a personal preference to be something unique each year – usually, I DIY my costumes to fit my preferences and try to go all out (I have tons of fun putting a costume together each year. This year, I was a unicorn). To ensure that I keep my idea fresh, I always check out Google’s Frightgeist, which polls Google costume searches across the U.S. into a numerical ranking. Ever since the tool was created, the costume game was elevated … and hasn’t been the same since.

To celebrate both the Halloween holiday and this frankly ingenious online tool, here are the #1 costumes from the last five years… according to the Interwebs.

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